Bonus Reveal! The Oathsworn!

So this is the final planned bonus Class. This is a special entry in a series of blogs as we discuss our Classes and their design intentions. With each blog the Class' updated Playbook is going to be released so the Oathsworn, our take on the Paladin, has received updates!


Oathsworn are another Half Caster Class which means they share some aspects with the formally mentioned Lore Master Class. 

Core Aspects: These are nearly identical to the Paladin, though now like all Tanking themed Classes they can add their Endurance twice per Character Level for determining HP.

Unique Aspects: All Classes gain a unique Inspired action and Mark of Fate effect. For the Oathsworn this allows you to spend a Mark of Fate to Smite a foe. While your Inspired action, lets you perform any Channel Faith action.

Trait of Power

At Level 1 you define the nature of your Character, this is common for all the half casters letting you choose a Trait you gain your abilities from, including what Trait you use for Weapon and Unarmed Strike Attack and Damage Rolls. For the Oathsworn they may choose either Intuition or Determination.

Channel Faith

This Feature works like the Eternalist's Channel Faith Feature though for Oathsworn your Channel Faiths actions are our version of Lay on Hands and Divine Senses.

Oathsworn's Oath

Starting at Level 1 you pick an Oath. This Feature unlocks further Tiers at levels 6, 10, and 14. As covered in the Arcanist Class preview, one difference to note from level 6 onwards is you can choose to either progress through a subclass's 4 tiers or to pick up the first tier of a different subclass. 

Oathsworn's Order

For this Feature, is very much flavoured around your Characters backstory letting your choose between a Courtly Knight, a Knight of Alms, a Knight of an Order, a Knight of Faith, or a Wandering Knight.

Channel the Oath

Now at 2nd Level, this Feature has mirrors with each of the half casters, letting you pick one of three Features to gain, for Oathsworn this is Faithful Companion, Spellcasting, or Spirit Weapon. The option chosen will find itself being upgraded as the Class progresses, with each one focused around a key playstyle of the Class. A Character can gain a second option through specific Subclass choices, if the Half Caster gains a Subclass at Level 1 like Oathsworn does then they will just gain a second option, whereas if the Class gains a Subclass at Level 3 does then if you choose the appropriate subclass you will either gain a second option, or if the option matched your choice then it becomes empowered for focusing on that Playstyle.

Faithful Companion, grants you a Mount. Spirit Weapon grants you a magical weapon which over time becomes more and more like a Holy Avenger. Spellcasting grants you the ability to cast Spells of 1st-Circle and above. 

Oath-Empowered Smite

This Feature has been very much reworked. You can use it once per turn on a hit with a weapon, get a number of uses per Long Rest equal to your Trait of Power. When you gain the Feature you may choose a number of Nemesis Entity Types that you deal additional damage to. You can reduce the number of Smite Damage Dice rolled to apply a Smite Power to the Target which is based off the old Smite Spells that do not exist in this game. Finally if you chose spellcasting you can spend spell slots to smite more.

Trained Knight

This Feature grants you one Fighting Style Feat, Weapon Focus Properties of one Weapon Group, and a allows you to maintain a number of Marked conditions equal to your Skill Bonus. You Marked condition causes Targets to have Disadvantage on Attack Rolls against Targets other than you, and they must make Determination Tests to move away from you.

Acts of Faith

At Level 3 this Feature grants you this Class' version of Martial Manoeuvres. You can choose which kind of Acts you wish to perform: Champion for leadership themed actions, Healer for healing themed actions, Warden for tanking themed actions, Zealot for damaging actions, and Fallen for Oathbreakers. At the start of each turn of combat you roll 1d10 and compare it to your chosen table. For the turn you can perform that action once, whether or not you do your reroll on your next turn. If you roll and action you have already used this Encounter or one you do not meet the Prerequistes for you can choose any that do not conflict with the prior conditions. Once 5 actions have been performed the next one used is Empowered. Once you have used an Empowered action you may use any Act of Faith actions used already in the Encounter.

Blessed Form

This Feature grants you Resistance to Poison damage and Advantage to resist or avoid the Poisoned condition and Diseases.


This Feature is first gained at level 4 with further unlocks at levels 8, 12, 16, and 19. Importantly each time you would gain this Feature you can increase one Trait's value by 1 AND gain a Feat.

Meditative Rest

This Feature at Level 5 grants you the ability during a rest to heal Scar Concepts and maybe receive visions.


This Feature lets you attack twice when using the Attack action.

Oathsworn's Aura

This Feature works like Paladin but you pick which Aura boon you get.

Hallowed Form

From 7th level, increases you Endurance, lets you have Advantage on Hit Dice rolls, and grants you a reaction where you can be Immune to all damage for 1 Turn.

Strengthened Oath

This empowers you chosen Feature made with the Channel the Oath Feature.

At Higher Levels

From here on many Features grant you further enhancements to your Act of Faith actions, Oathsworn's Aura, and Channel the Oath Feature, helping you be both a greater font of support and defence for your party.

Oathsworn's Oaths

There are a number of Oaths that an Oathsworn can gain access to. 

Oath of the Courts

You have sworn yourself to one of the Courts of the Fae. This Oath focuses on mental and spell protection, while granting some common Fae themed effects like Teleportation.

Oath of the Dragon-Bloodied

You have sworn yourself to either aid or hunt dragons. This Oath focuses manoeuvrability through jumps and party support.

Oath of the Eternal

You have sworn yourself to an Eternal. This Oath grants you a number of Eternalist themed effects.

Oath of the Guardian

You have sworn yourself to protect another. This Oath focuses defences for you and a Charge who you can sacrifice your own health to keep alive.

Oath of the Lady

You have sworn yourself to an ancient Fae who through fait has become more of an Eternal. This Oath is for those wanting Arthurian myth themed Oathsworn.

Oath of the Masquerade

You have sworn yourself to one of the powers of the Masquerade. This Oath is a bit heaver onboarding wise as you must choose whether to be a Horned Knight (Masked Beasts), Silver Knight (Masked Courtiers), or Hell Knight (The Whole Masked) and to serve a Masquerade Bloodline. But once you have made your decisions you have the powers of darkness on your side terrifying your enemies and bending them into submission.

Oath of the Risen

You have sworn yourself to a long dead monarch. This Oath focuses investigations and maintaining a realm and the legacy of a long dead monarch until their fated return.

Oath of the Stars

You have sworn yourself to eldritch powers. This Oath focuses on attacking the mind and breaking reality.

Oath of the Wronged

You have sworn yourself to hunt down those who wronged you. This Oath focuses on playing with the Marked condition and hunting down your foes.


You have broken your oath. This option is for those who failed to maintain their Oath, these Oathsworn may seek the path or repentance or a new path, but whilst on this road they gain abilities made to resist the power of Eternals and their servants channelling the power of their inner void where once their Oath occupied.


So that is the Oathsworn hope people find this Class interesting and feel free to ask questions or give feedback! The draft document has been updated to reflect the above. Hopefully it gives you a sign of where we are taking this game!


Oathsworn Playbook Draft Release - 20 Sided Adventures.pdf 57 MB
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