Warrior Class

Hey all so it's time for March's Class Preview! This is our series of blogs where we discuss our Classes and their design intentions. With each blog the Class' updated Playbook is going to be released so the Warrior, our version of the Fighter, has received updates!


Warriors are those who have spent their time mastering combat in all its forms much like the Fighter that inspired it. Though this Class focuses on the use of special manoeuvres called Combat Step actions. This will be the last pure Martial Class with the remaining Classes being Pure or Half Casters.

Core Aspects: This Class following the Fighter with the exception of for determining your HP each Level you double your Endurance for calculating the HP generated.

Unique Aspects: All Classes gain a unique Inspired action and Mark of Fate effect. For the Warriors this allows you to spend a Mark of Fate to increase a Skill Roll by your Combat Step Die. While your Inspired action, lets you perform any Combat Step action even one you do not know, without expending a use of the Combat Step die.

Art of Combat

At Level 1 you gain the ability to perform Combat Step actions. How this worlds is each Step action has a Subtype: an Opener, a Finisher, Variable Step, or General Step. To start you must use an Opener move to begin your Combat Step Flow, which remains active until you either use a Finisher, use another Opener, or use a non-Combat Step action. Some have the Unique Tag, which means they cannot be used if you have used any other Unique action in that Flow so far. 

This system is intended to delve into that fantasy of the Warrior being the calm controlled tactical fighter which plans their moves with precision.

Stay in the Fight

With this Feature increases your RP and lets grants you the Stay in the Fight reaction, it works similarly to Second Wind of the Fighter but Triggers when you are reduced to 0HP or would gain the Bloodied or Desperation conditions.

Warrior's Background

This Feature lets you determine what led you to this path, maybe you were formally educated in a fighting school, maybe your served in a mercenary company, or perhaps you are a wandering warrior travelling from battle to battle.

In addition, this Feature also lets you double your Skill Bonus applied to Damage Rolls and grants you access to Weapon Focus Properties. Warriors can maintain a number of Active Weapon Focuses at a time equal to their Skill Bonus.

Step Skill

Now at 2nd Level, this Feature lets you expend a use of your Combat Step Die to add it to your Trait Tests made outside of combat or expend a use to replenish a use of a Weapon Action. This Feature also grants you the Action Surge action, this works like Action Surge in D&D however the 2AP bestowed can only be used on Combat Step actions.

Trained Fighter

This Feature grants you the Fighting Style: Reactive Fighter Feat, letting you make Opportunity Attacks and two other Fighting Style Feats, and lets you change your chose Fighting Style Feats upon completing a Long Rest so long as it is not the Prerequisite of another Feat you have.

Warrior's School

At Level 3 you pick an School, as your choose a refined aspect of study to focus upon. This Feature unlocks further Tiers at levels 6, 10, and 14. As covered in the Arcanist Class preview, one difference to note from level 6 onwards is you can choose to either progress through a subclass's 4 tiers or to pick up the first tier of a different subclass. 


This Feature is first gained at level 4 with further unlocks at levels 8, 12, 16, and 19. Importantly each time you would gain this Feature you can increase one Trait's value by 1 AND gain a Feat. 

Enhanced Stamina

This Feature at Level 5 grants you +1 AP this is instead of gaining the Multiattack Feature as the AP boost allows you to perform more Combat Step actions in a Turn allowing for similar end results of more attacks that works with the Warrior package. This Feature occurs again later at levels 9, 13, and 17. 

With this Features also come upgrades to your Active Weapon Focus you are wielding.

Team Player

This Feature grants you +1RP and lets you use the Aid action like the Aid Combat Step action outside of Combat Step Flow, letting you use it as a reaction. When you use the Stay in the Fight reaction, you can move up to half your Movement speed as part of the reaction.

Experimental Style

From 7th level, this allows you to swap the Weapon Focus Property of your Active Weapon Focus.

At Higher Levels

From here on many Features grant you further upgrades to your Stay in the Fight reaction, new ways to play with the Weapon Focus Properties of your Weapons, the Indomitable Feature, a Loyal Retainer Companion, enhancements to your use of the Combat Step die and Combat Step actions and the ability to teach others your Fighting Styles.

Warrior Schools

There are a number of Schools that a Warrior can gain access to. 

School of the Ancestral Warrior

This school focuses on gaining power from previous wielders of your weapon and finding the mightiest foes to fight to empower your weapon.

School of the Blade Dancer

This school focuses on mastering the general Combat Step actions, they have no unique School Step Actions, but instead focuses on providing the pure essence of the Class, an equivalent of the Champion Fighter.

School of the Cataphract

This school focuses on Mounted combat giving you a Companion Mount. Their Combat Step actions focused on protecting your Mount and overwhelming your foes.

School of the Gunslinger

This school focuses on mastering the use of firearms ad improving your reflexes. This school provides Combat Step actions that are a mixture on stunts with firearms and debuffing attacks.

School of the Marshal

This school focuses on commander and group play. This allows you to increase the number of allies Targeted by your Combat Step actions and support you allies using your Warrior Features. Their Combat Step actions are focused on allowing your allies to act on your turn and generally engage in commander style play.

School of the Psiknight

This school focuses is the first of the spellcaster schools, this one focused on psionics, especially Biomancy and Telekinesis. Their Combat Step actions are focused on using psionics, enhancing their own bodies, and greater use of your weapons.

School of the Queen's Guard

This school focuses on protective bodyguard style play while mastering the use of the Gunblade. This school provides Combat Step actions that are a mixture on crowd control effects, debuffing ranged attacks with your Gunblade, and damage reduction effects.

School of the Spellblade

This school focuses is the another spellcaster schools, this one focused on using spells with their melee weapons, including by placing spells into their weapons. Their Combat Step actions are focused casting spells alongside different abilities based on each of the Schools of Magic.

School of the Spellshot

This school focuses is the another spellcaster schools, this one focused on using cantrips alongside their ranged weapons, including by placing cantrips into their weapons. Their Combat Step actions are focused casting cantrips and performing ranged weapon stunts, alongside different abilities based on each of the Schools of Magic.

School of the Spirit

This school focuses on mastering the use of melee weapons granting you increased reflexes and bonuses for scoring a Critical Hit. This school provides Combat Step actions to counter your foe's actions and a special chained group of Combat Step actions which if performed in order deal incredible damage to your foe.


So that is the Warrior I hope people find this Class interesting and feel free to ask questions or give feedback! The draft document has been updated to reflect the above. Hopefully it gives you a sign of where we are taking this game!


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